‘Tis the Season for Secondhand Gift-giving

‘Tis the Season for Secondhand Gift-giving

The official start of the holiday shopping season is upon us with the bulk of spending set to take place over the Thanksgiving holiday as consumers and retailers look to capitalize off of Grey Thursday, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. This year, however, another “day” has been added to the promotional lineup (one we’re particularly excited about!): Secondhand Sunday. This annual holiday—which this year falls on December 1—encourages consumers to choose secondhand for the holidays and celebrate the circular economy, reduce waste, and save money (a stark contrast to the consumerist frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday).

This holiday, gifting means thrifting

While brand-new tech and fashion fads will always be at the top of wish lists, many Americans—in particular, socially conscious Gen Z and Millennials—are increasingly opting, and asking, for more affordable, sustainable options. And, this holiday season, Santa will likely be placing a few returned or secondhand items under trees. , Consider this: 2024 is projected to be the biggest year yet for the giving of pre-owned items, with an overwhelming 67% of millennials reporting that they’re likely to purchase and give a pre-owned item as a gift.

Recommerce solutions are hot for the holidays

While it makes for a fun new tradition, Secondhand Sunday is an undeniable sign of a larger trend at play.  Currently, the recommerce market is outpacing the primary market due to several factors, including resale acceptance, new buyers and sellers, sustainability, and budget-friendly options. This means that the demand for returned and pre-owned goods is strong and stable—a very good thing considering the mounting challenge of returned inventory faced by retailers, a hot holiday topic in itself.

After seeing both the growing demand for once-bought merchandise and the headaches that returned goods cause as they pile in already-full warehouses, many large retailers and brands are embracing recommerce and reselling millions of items into the secondary market. B-Stock is pleased to partner with today’s largest retailers, OEMs, and brands on large-scale B2B recommerce solutions, including an online auction platform, direct sales, and contract listings that provide half a million business buyers direct access to returned and overstock inventory, that they can then resell (on Secondhand Sunday and all year long!). 

What a recommerce partner should bring to the table

The best recommerce platforms on the market are backed by technology and data, and offer multiple channels to sell inventory. They also offer:

  • Buyer Demand
    You’ll want access to a large and vetted group of business buyers interested in merchandise across all categories and conditions.
  • Flexible Resale Options
    Whether your goal is to recover cash, clear warehouse space quickly, or ensure brand control, the best partners will help build a diversified resale strategy that meets your needs.
  • Quick Cycle Times
    Reducing the number of days that inventory spends in warehouses is paramount. With proper advice, you can resell massive amounts of inventory quickly and predictably.
  • Data-backed Pricing & Performance Insights
    Quality data should be recorded and analyzed to understand seasonal demand, predict buyer behavior, and forecast resale pricing.
  • Expert Management & Support
    Look for an experienced account management team that can provide a data-backed resale strategy, merchandise listing guidance, and customer support.

As the world’s largest B2B recommerce platform, B-Stock has built a suite of secondary market sales channels, a base of 500,000+ business buyers, as well as a robust data set on buying and selling trends across the secondary market. In fact, all of these benefits are exactly why household names like Target, Walmart, Amazon, Wayfair, Home Depot, and more trust us all year long to resell their returned inventory into the secondary market.

Ready to learn more about B-Stock? 

Visit our site to learn more or reach out and schedule a live platform demo today.


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